May as well log this wild ride we’re on while I’m sheltering-in-place, right? That way I’ll remember it right. Today was our first day as a fully remote company in an incredibly anxious time.

Monday, March 2020 1:47PM
League Team,
I just found out that the Bay Area is issuing a “shelter in place” order through April 7. As such, our Mandatory WFH will now be extended through April 7.
I will continue to send updates as we learn more about this. As the virus is new, we do not yet know the medium/long-term repercussions of getting the virus, nor do we have widely-available testing in our area to be able to detect if we are an asymptomatic spreader, please for safety’s sake assume you are one, and take all the necessary precautions to avoid contact — aka get ready to eat everything in your pantry. If you need time off to get prepared to weather this storm, don’t hesitate to take it, your safety and health is always #1.
See you online (and hopefully in April),
Founder & CEO
The League